Organic Gardening at its Best Gardening Organic: The American Diet

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

The American Diet

The American Diet by CAROLYN BELL SMITH
The nutritional value in the American diet is poor; the soil is diminished of minerals and vitamins. Eating organically and taking organic supplements will replenish the nutrients. Food labeled naturally grown is not the same as organically grown and by law are not required to list the additives, it is possible chemicals are present.
Improve your health by supplying the body with vitamins and minerals. Increasing leafy vegetables in the diet adds calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, zinc, and vitamin A, and vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K. Fiber is one of the many benefits of leafy vegetables.

Enhance health and lifestyle with longstanding strategies of good health through education, and addressing the body needs with vitamins, minerals and enzymes, keeping it healthy and disease free. Choose an organic product when a supplement is desired, the body is disease resistant when a balance of vegetables is eaten.

Vitamins, enzymes, and minerals are essential to life regulating the metabolism, the foundation of human bodily functions, and proper composition of body fluids, and other body processes. Vitamin C and antioxidant, aids in tissue growth and repair, and has shown to aid the body to absorb iron, calcium a mineral is vital for strong bone and teeth has shown to decrease the body's ability to absorb iron. The body absorbs iron. The body absorbs calcium better, when vitamin D is present. When taking iron and calcium do not take together.

Knowing if the body is acidic or alkali is inside knowledge of health improvement. Keeping the body PH balanced is an indicator of good health. The body's PH balanced 7.0 will resist diseases and the entire body will function at the optimal level. The ware and tear of every day living cases the cells to become acid rather than alkaline making the body prone to disease, the PH balance body alternatively will, restore the cells.

The U.S. food and Drug Administration approve prescription drugs, yet they have terrible side effects even fatal. In many cases, supplements are not curses but are a preventive measure that should be taken to aid the body's defense against invading infections, and when taking organic supplements properly there are not side effects.

Carolyn Bell Smith, committed to helping other improve their health, lifestyle, fight sickness, disease, and building a strong immune system. Author and creator, Healthy LifeStyle and More, an LifeStyle Tips Newsletter

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